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Data on a Touch Pad


Whether or not you operate entirely in the digital domain, or primarily in the form of printed materials, your company engages with its prospects and customers in the tangible realm of brochures, proposals, and contracts.


The old school marketers line of "A brochure never sold anyone," is a true today as ever, but it's also still true that you can certainly still turn someone away with one.  As will an off-target email, social post, or poorly packaged proposal.


Empower Group will help you avoid this mistake by:

  • Reviewing your presentation materials at each stage of the sales process

  • Aligning the piece objectives with company brand and goal

  • Improve content and design for consistency and appeal.


And how do you generate proposals?  Is it a bit pulled from a spreadsheet here, an old proposal there, some graphics off the web, and then send?  We can fix up this productivity and image killer as we are fluent with available technology for streamlining and improving your presentation process for prospects and existing customers, so your salespeople can be more productive and present most effectively.

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